Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I did with my Beets

It's day 3 of Catholic Schools Week which means today Kai was to "Dress as a Vocabulary Word".  Any word.  Have you ever heard of this before??  I hadn't, but a quick Google Search showed that it's a real thing.  Later the kids will be having a Word Parade. :)

So what was Kai's word?  We brainstormed last week...Pink, Princess, Pony (can you tell they studied the letter "P" last week?) but when the idea of Sparkle came up Kai went nuts.  Sparkle it was!

I tried to get a good photo but none of them were in focus or really conveyed just how shiny she was....

A pink shirt with Sequins, Silver Skirt, White leggings with a sparkle sewn into them, a glitter belt, Tinsel ribbon tied around her boots, a silver headband, and then the best part...
Gold Dust all over her face & hair and Sparkle Nail Polish.

I feel she conveyed "Sparkle" :)

Yesterday I actually took a picture of my oatmeal that I had for breakfast!  Oatmeal topped with frozen apple, pomegranate and bananas; and flax seed, chia seed and cinnamon.

As the morning continued I decided to make some Beet Chips.  I've had 2 beets in the fridge for a while now and decided I needed to do something with them soon, and since I wasn't in a roasting mood, I decided chips would be perfect.

I peeled & sliced them to fit in the food processor.

I used the slicing feature on the food processor.

I soaked them in some apple cider vinegar, olive oil and water.

I laid them on the dehydrator.

I turned it on to 145 for 45 minutes and then turned it down to 115 for 10 hours.

I stained my fingers pink. :(

This morning I pulled the chips off the dehydrator.

I added a little salt and now I have beet chips for later this week. :)

After slicing the first beet yesterday I opened the food processor to see how it looked and then put it back together to slice the second beet.  Perfectly logical.  And had anyone else done it I'm certain they would have made sure to put it back together correctly.  But I'm not anyone else,  I'm me, and when I put the slicing blade back on I flipped it over so that I shred the second beet.  D'oh!!

Since food shrinks when it's dehydrated I knew that drying out shredded beets would NOT be a good idea so I had to figure out something else to so with them.

I decided to shred an onion and a sweet potato also and then mix it all together.

Then I just cooked it on the stove top with some Olive Oil.  Easy and delicious!

And since it was such a pretty pink color I used a cookie cutter to put it on Kai's plate in the shape of a heart!  See, it shows her that I love her. :)

Of course she saw my tribute to love and said, "I'm not eating the pink stuff".  I really don't mind if she doesn't like the taste of something but I hate when she won't even try it.  Grrrr!

One thing she will always eat is yogurt!  In addition to the beet "heart" I gave her half a cup of a Passion Fruit Chobani.  The yogurt she loved, the seeds in it she did not.  Fair warning, if your kids don't like seeds in their food then avoid the Passion Fruit flavor.  Fortunately she was willing to eat around the seeds (I told you she LOVES yogurt).

 So for lunch I had - the Beet mix, Hummus with veggies and yogurt.

Kai had the same, plus a jelly/flax seed/nutritional yeast sandwich.

Dinner was supposed to be Salads but after playing out side all day and having the windows open I was starting to get cold and wanted something hot to eat.  When the Hubs suggested Chinese Take-out I got giddy.  I LOVE Chinese Take-out.  It's one of those foods that I don't want to know too much about.  Ignorance is Bliss. :)

We got a Vegetable Chow Mein which comes with white rice, a Shrimp Lo Mein, Crab Rangoon and Egg Drop Soup....

My plate

Kai's Plate

Sorry - I didn't get a photo of the Hub's Plate
...because he doesn't use a plate.  He at the Shrimp Lo Mein straight from the box. lol!

Enjoying a Crab Rangoon.  I know people love these but
I've never been a fan.  Between the 2 of them, Kai and the Hubs ate 6 !!
Clearly they are fans.

Starting to get the hand of the chop sticks!
There were no left overs this time!  Kai and the Hubs ate all the Crab Rangoon, Kai and I split all the  Vegetable Chow Mein & White Rice, the Hubs ate all the Shrimp Lo Mein and I polished off the Egg Drop Soup.  It was a surprisingly filling meal!   We didn't even have dessert afterward.

That's right, no dessert.  We didn't get our fortune cookies. :(

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